How a Community Land Trust Can Help

A community land trust (CLT) is a nonprofit corporation that holds title to land on behalf of a place-based community, while serving as the long-term steward for affordable housing, community gardens, civic buildings, commercial spaces and other community assets on behalf of a community.

Center for Community Land Trust Innovation

CLT Key Features

  • The CLT would provide homes primarily for career workers who are essential to the city’s functioning, with a broad range of incomes, countering economic segregation.

    A new CLT board will set specific policies, with public input.

  • The focus of the CLT will be home ownership, although rental properties might play a role.

    The CLT could also include land conservation and affordable local retail, if the community so desires.

  • CLT homes will be permanently affordable, with deed restrictions that limit future sales prices and prevent flipping, using a shared equity model with policies set by the new board. Eventually, new homes will be built on the same land, still accessible to middle/lower income workers.

    Because of A2’s high appreciation, CLT owners will likely build more equity than in an outlying area.

  • A CLT can work to reduce the cost of living in other ways, with lower utility bills, public wifi, community gardens and meals, car and bike sharing, etc.

    And a CLT can be the nexus of neighborliness and cooperation throughout the city.

A Community Land Trust can be a new, important anchor institution that creates a healthier community.